We are committed to ensuring our neighbors have financial security and can provide for their families. We envision a dynamic and engaged community with opportunities for all.
Search for job openings and trainings in Berkshire County
How can MassHire Berkshire Career Center help you find employment or training opportunities?
Visit the MassHire Berkshire Career Center website: https://www.masshireberkshirecc.com/
For workshops/seminars/hiring events: https://www.masshireberkshirecc.com/events-calendar/
Job Search/Local job listings: https://www.masshireberkshirecc.com/jobseekers/job-search/
How can MassHire Berkshire Career Center support your local business?
MassHire Berkshire Career Center provides local businesses essential services to support their workforce needs, as well as a variety of related resources at little to no cost.
Business Services at Glance
Recruit the Talent You Need
- Advertise employment opportunities - post your openings HERE
- Prescreening
- NEW!!! Live single employer virtual recruitments / On-The-Spot Interviews
- Targeted Job Fairs
- Annual Job Fair
Retention & Revenue – Never Too Late to Train
- On-The-Job Training
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
- Workforce Training Funds Program (WTFP)
- Safety Training Program Grants
For assistance or to learn more about services, contact Melanie Herzig, Business Service Representative at 413.499.2220 ext. 124 or mherzig@masshireberkshirecc.com.
Berkshire Innovation Center shares job openings at member companies through their job board.
You can see the job openings by signing up to receive BIC's newsletter.
Western MA Educational Opportunity Center
Brendon Pohner, site director, bpohner@massedco.org