Keep the Berkshires Strong With a Future Gift
You do not need to have a fortune to give a lasting gift to Berkshire United Way. Planned gifts, both large and small, play a critical role in securing the future of your Berkshire community. Invested over time, any size gift can make a significant impact.
You Decide How You Give. Start Here.
Name Berkshire United Way as a beneficiary in your will
A bequest provision can be included in your will when you are creating it, or you can amend your existing will through the use of a codicil. This arrangement provides you with flexibility and control should your circumstances change. You can designate an exact amount or asset or a percentage of the assets in your will.
Option 1: Add this language to your will
“I (name), of (city, state, zip), give, devise and bequeath to Berkshire United Way (written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property) for its unrestricted use and purpose.”
» When it came time for Pittsfield siblings Rodman and Fay Henry to prepare their wills, they generously bequeathed their
savings to 21 organizations they felt could make a major difference in the community.
Read how Berkshire United Way became a beneficiary.
Option 2: Fill out a free online will using FreeWill, which has partnered with United Way to offer this easy planning tool.
Qualified Charitable Distributions (or Charitable IRA Rollover Gifts)
Significant tax savings for those age 70 1/2 and up
You can give any amount (up to a maximum of $100,000) per year from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Berkshire United Way without having to pay income taxes on the money.
Name Berkshire United Way as the beneficiary of a retirement plan
Perpetuating your gift through a retirement plan is simple, flexible and tax wise. Contact the administrator of your retirement plan to designate Berkshire United Way as the beneficiary of your retirement plan. They can also let you know what restrictions might apply. The benefits of naming Berkshire United Way as the beneficiary of a retirement account include:
- Avoiding potential double taxation on retirement fund gifts to heirs (estate tax and income tax).
- Allowing you to continue to draw money out of your retirement account while you are living.
- Providing you with the freedom to change your mind if your situation changes.
- Giving you the satisfaction of knowing that your hard-earned retirement funds will continue to impact people’s lives in our community.
Name Berkshire United Way as the beneficiary of an existing or new life insurance policy
Many contributors are attracted to life insurance because it enables them to make a larger gift than they would otherwise have been able to make.
Here’s how it works: you pay the premiums on a life insurance policy that will ultimately produce a sizable gift to Berkshire United Way. If Berkshire United Way is named as the owner and beneficiary, you will also receive a tax deduction for the annual premiums.
Benefit from a split interest gift
A split interest gift is really two gifts, one that is present interest and one that is future interest. Typically, the present interest gift is a lifetime flow of income back to the donor. The future interest gift is the amount the charity will receive at the death of the donor.
The most popular split interest gift is a charitable remainder trust. It is a gift that returns an income to you, your spouse, or another beneficiary you name. Highly appreciated but low yield stock is an ideal asset to use in a charitable remainder trust.
For more information, contact Gretchen Weber, Donor Relations Manager, at gweber@berkshireunitedway.org or 413-442-6948 x12.