Need help filing your taxes?

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program

Each tax season, Berkshire United Way supports the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program through Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity. Drop-off times begin Wednesday, January 29.

VITA offers free tax preparation for eligible households making $67,000 or less, persons with disabilities, seniors, and limited English-language speakers. IRS-Trained volunteers help prepare and file your taxes, either through drop-off or by appointment. Locations in Great Barrington and Pittsfield will be announced soon.

Learn more and find out if you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, or the Massachusetts Senior Circuit Breaker Tax Credit.

Call 413-442-3184 or visit

image of flyer for volunteer income tax assistance program

¿Necesita ayuda para presentar sus impuestos?

Comienzan los horarios de entrega, Enero 29, 2025

El programa VITA ofrece la preparación de sus impuestos gratis para los hogares elegibles que ganan $67,000 (al año) o menos, para las personas con discapacidades, personas de la tercera edad y las personas con un conocimiento limitado del idioma Inglés.

Puedes pedir un traductor de español.

Llamar 413-442-3184 o conéctate en línea,

Besoin d'aide pour déclarer vos impôts?

Les dépôts commencent, Janvier 29, 2025

Une aide fiscale gratuite aux ménages de tout le comté de Berkshire qui gagnent $67,000 ou moins, aux personnes handicapées, aux personnes âgées et aux personnes dont l'anglais est limité.

Vous pouvez demander un traducteur français.

Appelez 413-442-3184 ou en ligne,


Prepare your own taxes from the comfort and safety of your home. MyFreeTaxes is a secure online self-prep site supported by United Way Worldwide for taxpayers with simple returns that make $71,000 or less.