Award recipients Manny and Vannessa Guess Slaughter, BUW President and CEO Tom Bernard, and Alex Reczkowski BUW staff: Katherine von Haefen, Brenda Petell, Pam Knisley, Karrie Buratto, Chloe Rychcik, Gretchen Weber, Emily Daunis, Gretchen Fairfield, and Tom Bernard Beth Frederick, Central Berkshire Habitat for Humanity Laura Brennan, Berkshire Regional Planning Commission Thomas Simon and Dr. Timothy Callahan, both North Adams Public Schools, with Tom The Slaughters: Nayanna, Vannessa Guess, and Manny Brett Westbrook and Ann Beecham, both Berkshire County Head Start Gail Molari (MOLARI Employment and HealthCare Services), H. Jay Bailly (Berkshire Bank), honoree Alex, Nicholas Kirchner (Molari) Amy Hall, Child Care of the Berkshires, and Katherine Berkshire Area Health Education Center: Joyce Brewer, Gena DiSimoni Johnson, BUW's Katherine, Sheila Dargie Mark Lefenfeld, Berkshire Bounty, and BUW's Brenda Berkshire Community Action Council with Brenda Jennifer Connor Shumsky (Greylock Federal Credit Union), Jackie Browner and Randy Johnson Dr. Barbara Malkas, North Adams Public Schools, with Tom tephanie Quinlan and Catherine Congelosi, both Berkshire Athenaeum John Neiner (Berkshire Athenaeum Trustee) and Erin Neiner with honoree Alex Janis Broderick (Elizabeth Freeman Center) and Heather Williams (Berkshire County Kids' Place) ohn Krol (OneEighty Media) and Cara Krol, and Kristen van Ginhoven (WAM Theatre) Karen Vogel (Berkshire Health Systems) and honoree Manny Berkshire Athenaeum staff, friends, and trustees Mark Kaley, Greylock Federal Credit Union Rebecca Brien, Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. Amy Chin (Berkshire Athenaeum), Cindy Shogry-Raimer (GFCU), honoree Alex, BUW's Brenda, Mark Kaley (GFCU), Jennifer Connor Shumsky (GFCU) Jonathan Swartz with Jenise Lucey (Berkshire South Regional Community Center) Honoree Manny and Jennifer Connor Shumsky Stephanie Steed, 18 Degrees Stephanie Steed, Kristen van Ginhoven, Janis Broderick, and Heather Williams Members of the Dillon family: Lisa Welch, Caleb Harmon, and Brendan Dillon Rosalind Kopfstein Rebecca Brien (DPI) and Caitlin Pemble (Guardian Life Insurance Company) Laura Hooks, General Dynamics Mission Systems, with Tom Elyssa Holmes (Girl's Inc.) and Daltrey Turner (Austen Riggs Center and BUW board member) Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer talks with Brett Westbrook Nick Darrow (GFCU), Sarah Frederick (18 Degrees), Cass Santos-China (NPC board member), Cindy Shogry-Raimer (GFCU) Mayor Tyer and Tom Manny and Mayor Tyer BUW Board Chair Mike Stoddard offers a virtual welcome message Tom presents for Alex Daltrey presents for the Slaughters BUW's Brenda closes out with updates from Here For Good Volunteer Month Madeline Kelly, Berkshire Athenaeum, with Alex Pete Marchetti and Alex Mary Wheeler (Berkshire Athenaeum) and BUW's Pam (also a Berkshire Athenaeum Trustee) Laura Brennan, Jen Glockner (City of Pittsfield), BUW's Brenda, Heather Seely, and Barbara Emanuel Brendan Dillon and Alex