Berkshire Community Action Council

Berkshire Community Action Council (BCAC) is the lead organization for heating and fuel assistance in Berkshire County. They help with heating costs, repairs and replacements, energy efficiency, and weatherization. BCAC also has a warm clothing program and its East Street location serves as a central hub for food bank resources, among other assistance.

Pittsfield offices: 14 Maplewood Avenue and 1531 East Street, 413-445-4503

North Adams office: 85 Main Street, 413-663-3014


Navigating the Mass Save programs can be confusing. BCAC is committed to helping everyone find the program that can best serve them. This chart can help you figure out what programs you may be eligible for.


chart of income eligibility for heating assistance

If your household income falls within the numbers in column A:

If you have not yet applied for fuel assistance, you can sign up on the BCAC portal. If you prefer a paper application, call 413-443-4503. If you're recertifying, you can send in your application anytime. The documents needed to apply are listed on the BCAC website under the fuel assistance section.

If you already have your fuel assistance approval and natural gas is your primary heating fuel, you can sign up for a home energy assessment with BCAC by calling 413-445-4503.

If you already have your fuel assistance approval and heat with oil, you can sign up for a home energy assessment with HomeWorks Energy at their online scheduler or call 413-308-6690.


If your household income falls within the numbers in column B:

You may be eligible for no-cost insulation and air sealing, with no additional financial application. If you are a Berkshire Gas customer, you can sign up for a home energy assessment with the Center for EcoTechnology (CET) at their online scheduler or call 800-944-3212. If your household’s primary heating fuel is oil, you can sign up for a home energy assessment with HomeWorks Energy online scheduler or call 413-308-6690.


If your household income is higher than these two columns: 

You may be eligible for at least 75% off approved insulation, as well as many other Mass Save incentives. If you are a Berkshire Gas customer, sign up for your energy assessment at CET’S online scheduler or call 800-944-3212. If your primary heating fuel is oil, schedule at HomeWorks Energy’s online scheduler or call 413-308-6690.

HomeWorks Energy and CET are both contractors licensed by the Mass Save program. If you have questions and want to get help with the Mass Save programs, call Luke Trefry, Ener-G-Save’s Energy Advocate, at 508-622-5544.