Robert K. Agar Jr. Volunteerism Award

Beginning in 1965, Berkshire United Way annually selects a "Volunteer of the Year" – a local volunteer whose personal commitment and dedication to the ideals of volunteerism is, in the judgement of others, truly exemplary. It honors those who are always ready, willing, and able to respond to those people who are in need.

In 1981, following the untimely death of Robert K. Agar, Jr., a member of the Berkshire United Way Board of Directors, the award was renamed to honor his memory. In 1984, a conscious decision was made by volunteers to reposition this award as an honor open to any individual or organization whose significant commitment to the ideals and spirit of volunteer service to the community is exemplary and worthy of emulation.

Daniel C. Dillon Helping Hands, Caring Heart Award

First introduced in 1999, the Helping Hands, Caring Heart award recognizes an unsung hero in our community – one who quietly, with little fanfare or recognition, makes our community a better place through volunteer efforts. The award was renamed following Dan's retirement from numerous years of service as CEO of Berkshire United Way and to the community.

Ruth P. and Nicholas Boraski Leaders in Philanthropy Award

This award honors an individual, couple, or group who have demonstrated through personal example as well as financial commitment their dedication to improving the quality of life for everyone in our community, regardless of their means.

J. Edward Dery Memorial Award

This award was first presented in 1997 to honor the memory of Ed Dery, who died young but left a legacy of giving and caring for his community that few can ever hope to match. This is not an annual award. It is presented to an individual, foundation, or organization to honor extraordinary commitment to the improvement of the quality of life for all in Berkshire County.

Labor Award

First introduced in 1995, this award recognizes a member of the labor community who has shown exceptional commitment to Berkshire United Way’s campaign, allocations, or committee involvement.

Thomas F. Cooney Award

First introduced in 1982, this award honors past Campaign Chairman Thomas F. Cooney and was established following his untimely and accidental death. The award is particularly unique in that subsequent to his United Way service in Berkshire County, Mr. Cooney moved to Fall River, Massachusetts, where he also eventually served as that community's United Way campaign chairman. In his memory, the United Way of Greater Fall River has also established an annual “Thomas F. Cooney Award" for outstanding volunteer service.

Here in the Berkshires, the Cooney Award has evolved into a presentation that honors Berkshire United Way volunteers who have a significant and long-term history of activity in support of the annual campaign. While past campaign chairs are not excluded from consideration, greater weight is placed on continuous, year-to-year volunteer commitment to the campaign. The Cooney Award is presented, with the recipient's foreknowledge, during the September Campaign Kick Off by the prior year's recipient.

Raymond P. Brien Leadership Award

First introduced in 2002, this award honors outstanding leadership, commitment, and performance by an individual affiliated with a human services agency in Berkshire County.

2002    Carolyn Mower Burns, Executive Director, Berkshire Center for Families & Children
2003    Ken Singer, Executive Director, Berkshire County Arc