Berkshire United Way presents
Saturday, February 22, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
Zion Lutheran Church, 74 First Street, Pittsfield
Part of 10x10 Upstreet Arts Festival February 15-22
Join Berkshire United Way and Zion Lutheran Church for this FREE family festival. There will be children's activities, information and resources provided by funded and community partners, snacks provided by Zion Lutheran Church, and the Rotary Club of Pittsfield will hand out hot chocolate.
Participants and activities include: 18 Degrees will provide a photo booth, Berkshire Community Diaper Project will have free diapers, Berkshire District Attorney's Office will offer a winter craft, Berkshire North WIC Program will have coloring sheets and crayons, Berkshire United Way will hand out free books, Child Care of the Berkshires will offer simple face paintings and designs, Downtown Pittsfield Inc. with host a Paint and Sip, plus Berkshire Nursing Families, Berkshire Pulse, the Department of Children and Families/Foster Care, Girl Scout Troop 65349, students from Taconic High School will offer face painting, and TG's Clubhouse will provide a Black History Month project.
Opal Raven will perform a fire dancing routine in the First Street Common from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m., followed by the fireworks show at 6:00 p.m., presented by the City of Pittsfield's Office of Cultural Development. Viewing will be from the First Street Common parking lot.
10x the Fun is part of the 10x10 Upstreet Arts Festival, a city-wide event featuring dozens of events, in partnership with Mill Town Foundation. Visit LovePittsfield.com for more information.