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Your Donation

Recurring gifts will occur perpetually until you notify our office to stop payments. You may provide special instructions in the "Donor Notes" field below.

Recurring gifts will occur perpetually until you notify our office to stop payments. You may provide special instructions in the "Donor Notes" field below.

If you'd like to donate by check, please mail to or drop off at Berkshire United Way, 200 South Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201.

In Honor/In Memory of
Your Information
Donor Notes

Your contribution is important to us. If you need assistance or need to make a change to your donation, please contact Gretchen Weber at (413) 442-6948 x12 or You will receive a confirmation email once your transaction is complete. If you do not receive an email, please contact us to help you complete your transaction.

Thank you for your gift!

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